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Healthy Cookies!

Is it even possible to have healthy cookies?

Well here is a recipe that is sugar free, gluten free, dairy free and plant based, to me that is healthy! So easy and quick to make and totally delicious! They totally satiated my desire for a cookie. Feel free to play around with the recipe as you feel so inclined.

My favourite combination, so far is, is peanut butter, figs, pecans and a touch of cinnamon. Delicious!



2 ripe bananas.

1 tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter or cashew butter.

80g of oats

30g of chopped up, dates or figs or nuts or chocolate chips, or a combination you choose.

Sprinkle of cinnamon - optional.


1 Peel the banana and mash them up.

2 Add peanut butter or your choice of nut butter to the mashed up bananas, and mix well.

3 Stir in the oats.

4 Add your preference of chopped nuts and or dried fruit and stir.

5 Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon (optional) and mix.

6 Place portion sizes of the mixture on a baking tray. They don't spread, so can be placed relatively close to each other.

7 Use a fork to tap the tops down so that they are no more than 1/2 inch high

8 Bake for 20minutes at 180C degrees.

9 Let them cool.

10 Enjoy!

I would love to hear your favourite and recommended combinations, so please let me know in the comments below.

Love to you all




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