My name, Dhriti.
My name is Dhriti. Dhriti the first of the Sanskrit virtues, my grandmother, Dadi Ma, used to tell me. My grandmother named me and she was a Sanskrit scholar. I have not met anyone else with the name Dhriti. However when I came to setting up my email address on yahoo mail I realised there were many other Dhriti’s out there. People call me Dee, Dreeti, Dimitri, Preeti etc. rare was I called Dhriti by someone outside my family. I looked up the meaning of Dhriti and found it to mean patience. As I look further I found it meant patience, persistence, determined. I would wonder why was I given such a big name. It felt big. It felt like there was so much responsibility in this name, though I loved it. I love my name. I felt like, my grandmother knew this is what life would teach me and that is why she had named me Dhriti, and so when things got tough in life I would say to myself, it is a lesson teaching me patience, that is the lesson of this life for me Dadi Ma knew and that is why she named me Dhriti.
Today that shifted, in a split second. I was looking at my Louise Hay, I Can Do It 2017 Day desk calendar and I was on Friday 14th July and today is Sunday 16th July. So I pulled of Fridays sheet which was “I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do”, beautiful! Looking at that I thought that is a good one, no wonder I left it on yesterday.
When I pulled off Fridays I found this for Saturday, July 15, “Patience is being at peace with the process of Life.” As I read this tears came to my eyes and the thought came, Yes! Patience is being at peace with the process of life. This is the meaning of my name, I am at peace with the process of life. I am going to take on this belief as the meaning of my name. This feels gentler, more at ease whereas the one I had adopted before feels hard work, pushing against something and difficult, and I am not this. I like ease, going with the flow and being at peace with the process of life. It may sound strange but as soon as I read it this morning, it reminded me of how the meaning we give things is so important and affects how we feel and live. I had seen the meaning of my name as a big thing to live up to, it felt heavy and now in the seconds of reading Saturdays calendar I am adopting a new feeling a new meaning to the word patience and to my name Dhriti, being at peace with the process of life. I love it! Feels good!
I share this with you so that incase there is something you have been holding on to for much of your life or for a time, giving it a particular meaning and feeling, that does not feel great, know that you can change it, just as easily as I did this morning. You can change the meaning you have given something, as you choose the meanings you give to things, events, people, you can choose to change them too.
It may sound strange but I feel lighter and more buoyant, though it has only been half an hour since I read yesterdays calendar.
Thank you Louise Hay, how serendipitous! I was clearly ripe for the shift!
I love life and life loves me and I am ready open and willing to experience joy in all areas of my life, and so it is. Thank you!
Sending big love out to All and may your day be filled with joy now and always.
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