Giving joy, creates more joy & feels so good! Lets give and create joy this weekend. Lets make this our dominant intention! Sending love...
Joy! Joy! Joy!
An amazing and joy filled day! I am thankful for my fabulous massage and Intuitive Guidance clients. I am thankful for my Massage client...
Divine is the beauty that you are
Divine is the Beauty that you are. Beauty is the Joy within you. Joy is your Purpose. Purpose is to Shine the light that you are. Light...
As I Love and Accept myself more...
As I love and accept myself more, I am able to love and accept others more. As I act authentically from a place of Love and Truth...
Trusting yourSelf.
Trusting yourSelf. In a world that is full of expectations, fitting in and doing what is expected, to trust and act on your own is unique....
There is Love in my shadow.
There is love in my shadow. I was sat on my bed feeling challenged by the feelings that were coming up in me. I meditated to clear my...
What is life about....
What is life about.... The more I live the more I see that life is not about being in a relationship, marriage, succesful job, living in...
Divine is the moment I love myself, Divine is the moment I accept myself, Divine is the moment I approve of myself, Divine is the moment...
Inspiring Quote
"Joy is the best makeup!" Dhriti Mehra